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personal data |
Date and place of birth: 02.01.1981, [Place] Address: [Address] Phone number:[Phone] Email:[E-mail] |
objectives |
Short term objective: Getting as much professional experience as possible from any kind of job and field of activity and getting the university degree! Long term objective: Building a strong career in Public Relations! professional Experience |
May 2003–Present [Company name] Romania Bucharest, RO Assistant Manager n Making the communication process between the GM and the other departments more fluent. n Handling all the documentation needed by the manager. n Making the agenda, attending meetings and making reports. n Writing all types of letters that are needed in order to preserve the relationship with the partner-companies. n Protocol activities. |
capabilies |
n Very good command of English (oral and written fluency). n Very good computer and internet abilities (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook). n Very good oral and written communication skills. n Efficient work even under stress. n Ability to work in a team environment. n Motivated and career oriented. |
languages |
n English – Advanced level, oral and written fluency, translations. n French – Medium level. affiliations |
CERP Students Romania – Romanian Association of PR Students Bucharest, RO
Upon request. salarial expectations |
300 USD net. |
Modelul poate fi descarcat de la – model.doc
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