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August 18th , 2007
To: The Human Resources Department
I am writing to you regarding any position available in the Public Relation and Marketing Department in your company.
I believe that the experience that I have achieved until now and the fact that I am not a full-time student (fact that enables me to engage myself in several projects) entitles me to consider myself a candidate for any proposition that you have available for the moment.
I would appreciate working together with a young and dynamic team, in an environment that would encourage me to develop my professional career and put into practice my ideas.
As a young and enthusiastic person, I offer the following skills: very good command of English (oral and written fluency), very good communication skills and ability to work in a team environment, I am a reliable and organized person.
Moreover, I have strong computer abilities (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express), I am customer oriented, being aware of the fact that he is the most important “player” in this business.
I am aware of your company’s reputation and I would feel myself honored to work with you.
If my qualification suits your needs you can contact me at [Phone number]. Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon.
[Full name]
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